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Ongoing Prayer Ongoing Prayer

   Discussion: Ongoing Prayer
marc (anon) · 12 years, 1 month ago
We are going through a custody battle for the children. I am fighting many lies. My “ex’ is not Christian and after coming from their mothers’ they pick up her profanities. They will then not be going to church anymore if she should acquire custody. My son Blake is asthmatic and daughter Maci has respiratory issues and she even smokes in the car with them, Please pray for our situation. She is also into witchcraft. The fervent prayer of a righteous person availeth much. . God Bless you for your prayers.
myriam (anon) · 12 years ago
[email][/email]   We have been separated for more than a year and could greatly use your prayers.
Briah (anon) · 11 years, 7 months ago
Im Briah Williams, Im in job corps, I am 19 years old, I had recently was pregnant and had aborted it, it still haunts me cause my due date is November 7 and it’s a lot to deal with at this time in my life, my body is acting up and Im scared about it, no one can pin point it, not even doctors and I know something’s wrong, Im claiming my healing though. I don’t have a good relationship with my family at all, especially my mother...relationships in my life seems impossible, when all I want is a good god loving man who doesn’t drink or smoke, who’s strong and intelligent and who is evenly yoked with me....I get a lot of doubts in my mind i feel depressed a lot of times angry and hurt ...sometimes I feel like Im not worthy of being successful, I feel like the devil keeps pulling me back , financially Im not stable...I would love for you all to pray for me strongly, I need help with my prayers, to keep me focus and strong to fight these battles    
Gerald Vernell (anon) · 11 years, 3 months ago
Father in the of Jesus, please make my hands more diligent in order to obtain the finances to meet all of my needs and my desires. Cast down the strongholds of complacency and idleness. Allow me to take pleasure in my toil. I pray that the increase in my work be a glory to your Kingdom and a service to my brother. In Jesus name amen and amen.
Gerald Vernell (anon) · 11 years, 2 months ago
Saints in the name of Jesus, please touch and agree with me as I petition the Throne of Grace, Mercy, and Righteousness. Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, please bless my finances and free me from debt. As I have been faithful in my tithe, your Word says, the devourer would be rebuked for my sake and that you would pour me out a blessing, I would not have room enough to receive. Send it down right now Lord, 30, 60, and 100 fold. Allow me to walk in faith which is supplemented by persistent work and not hindered by fear. Cast down my double- mindedness and let me walk boldly in your promise and provisions. Let me enjoy my toil all the days of my life. When my toil becomes challenging, allow me to take refuge in you and endure toward that mark with a eyes set firmly on the prize. Let me show my love for my neighbor in my toil and actions, even when my carnal nature wars against Heavenly mandates. Cast down idleness and procrastination. For a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands and poverty is sure to come. Cast down the slack hand, and undergird and strengthen my hand that it may be ever diligent.  Bless me to put work and service to my brother before immediate gratification, and to become better organized. Allow me to perfect the gifts you have placed within me, so that I may provide a greater service to my neighbor and in so doing honor my Father and draw souls into your kingdom.  Bless me to delight myself in you Lord. All these things, I ask in your Son’s holy name, in Jesus’ name, AMEN AND AMEN.  
Evelyn (anon) · 10 years, 10 months ago
I am Evelyn from Spain, I want to thank Dr Kavaki for the help he render to me by bringing the love of my life back to me. My husband who left me for another woman has finally come back on his knees begging me to forgive and accept him back after he abandon me and our 2 years old son for 3 years in pain and sorrows, till one day when i was seeking for solution on the internet on how to get him back so i saw the testimony of a girl who said that Dr Kavaki helped her bring her lover back with his magic spell so i decided to contact him for help and today i am very glad to tell the world that i am a happy woman today because as i speak right now my husband is back home for good and we are living happily all these happened with the help of Dr Kavaki magic spell. Do you need help to get your husband, wife, boyfriend/girlfriend or relative back, or do you need help of any kind of help then contact Dr Kavaki via email for help:
Haven Hair (anon) · 10 years, 10 months ago
Please pray that I will get a very good wife and that I will have favor and blessin for my ministry to the poor.

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